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Vampire Conspiracy, The

Release Date: 1995 USA
Running time: 86' (cover 90') - Source: VHS NTSC
Rating: UK: 18; US: NR
Main Crew: Director: Geoffrey De Valois (Sorority House Vampires From Hell 1998)
Producer: Digital Entertainment Group
Score: William Ashford / Nightfire
Writer: Geoffrey De Valois / John LaMonte
Director of photography: Michael Goi


Summary: Lisa Kirkpatrick (Heather Lemire) and her beautiful college sorority sisters are in for the shock of their lives - it's "hell week", and they have been targeted as innocent young baby-breeding sex slaves by a high tech group of cyber-vampires bent on world domination. Lisa and her sorority sisters try to stop the fanatical vampires plan to re-produce the Earth with brainwashed mutants through using cyber-sex and 10th generation virtual reality. But, will the girls overcome the conspiracy, and their own bloodlust in time?
Note: - "Vampire Conspiracy" was the first full length feature film to be netcast in streaming video on the internet.
- Director Geoffrey De Valois (who has written, produced, directed, shot and edited over 450 television programs, films, commercials, and computer animation sequences, and who holds a BA in psychology and an MA in film production) is also the songwriter/producer of the band "Nightfire", who where responsible for parts of this movie's soundtrack.

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