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Satan's Black Wedding

Release date: 1975 USA
Running time: 60' (cover 60') - Source: VHS NTSC
Rating: US: R
Main Crew: Director: Nick Millard (as Phillip Miller) (Death Nurse 1987; Criminally Insane 1975)
Producer: I.M.R.I. Films
Score: Roger Stein
Writer: Nick Millard (as Phillip Miller)
Director of photography: Paul Rogers


Summary: Hollywood actor Mark Gray (Greg Braddock) travels to Monterey, California, to attend his sister's funeral. Though Nina Gray (Zarrah Whiting) slashed her own wrists and left a suicide note, both Mark and Police Lieutenant Scott believe there must be more to the story, since the corpse was thoroughly drained of blood and is missing the ring finger of its left hand. Mark learns from his Aunt Lillian that Nina was working on a book called "High Satanic Rites" about the horrific legends surrounding a nearby abandoned monastery: 150 years before, Satan himself appeared and corrupted the nuns and priests who worshipped there. Mark's ex-girlfriend, his sister's research assistant, Jean, tells him more about the bizarre behavior his sister exhibited while working on the manuscript and begins helping him put the pieces together: the Devil used to enjoy watching Mark and his sister playing near the church as children, and now wants to initiate both of them into the vampire's coven. What they don't know is that an evil 200-year-old priest already has turned Nina into a vampire, and that Satan himself has chosen Mark and his sister to be wed in unholy matrimony - THE BLACK WEDDING - to conceive a son for the Antichrist...
Note: - "Satan's Black Wedding" originally played in theaters on a double-bill with the more well-known "Criminally Insane" from the same director.

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