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Subspecies II: Bloodstone

AKA's: Helldance / Radu: Aullidos En La Noche / Radu, Il Principe Delle Tenebre

Release date: 1993 USA
Running time: 83' (cover 84') - Source: DVD (RC 2/PAL)
Rating: Germ.: 16; UK: 18; US: R
Main Crew: Director: Ted Nicolaou (Ragdoll 1999; Vampire Journals 1996; Subspecies 1, 3, & 4)
Producer: Full Moon Entertainment
Score: Richard Kosinski / Michael Portis / John Zeretzke
Writer: Ted Nicolaou / Charles Band
Director of photography: Vlad Paunescu


Summary: The centuries-old conflict that plagued the rustic villages of Transylvania is still alive and well. The evil vampire Radu (Anders Hove), determined to consume everything he touches, has set his sights on Michelle (Denice Duff). Since his brother Stefan has been destroyed, Radu's plan has been to convert Michelle to the dark side and gain control of the Bloodstone. Only then will he be able to rule the vampire kingdom.

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