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Van Helsing

User Reviews

added: 8th September 2004
name: Burgundy
homepage: -

Could barely see it, however, the lead actor was sexy and looked very tasty. Plot was intriguing.   

added: 24tht August 2004
name: Marc Dachtler
homepage: -

The word "review" should not be used in this context, for it just does not do the movie any justice. So the following lines will not be a review, but a "ode to Van Helsing". As you might know by now ~ I loved this movie.I really really did. Most people that will read these lines will develop a desire to kill me ~ so I want to apologize to these people in advance. I know it does have so many flaws, like not having a decent storyline or an overuse of special effects, not to mention some awful actors (besides the main cast). Be honest: who cares? I do love a great story line as much as I adore special-effects ~ one just has to be aware which movie wants to deliver what. If you watch Van Helsing and expect Lost In Translation then you will despise it - but if you are willing to empty your brain you are in for a treat.
The movies atmosphere is unmatched ~ I should add - this year-. Of all the movies, popcorn movies, that came out this year, Van Helsing boasts the best production design, costumes and look. The Romanian village or the huge ballroom sequence are just stunning and visually extremely impressive. Given that the main character in this movie is Mr. FX, Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale did not have to play the "roles of their lives" (which I guess would not have been possible in such a movie anyway). There is one thing I really want to say right out of my heart: Dear Mr. Dracula actor - Quit your job. Sell spatulas. Put groceries in a bag. Do not act anymore. Just leave it be. Please.
Enough about the actors now, they don't matter in this movie anyway ~ hardly at least. Please watch Van Helsing and just LOOK at it ~ ADMIRE it. The movie just looks perfect and is photographed incredibly well. Stephen Sommers will never be a director one would hire to make a film that only relies on plot ~ you will hire him if you want to make a fun, summer, senseless, popcorn flick which probably will be forgotten in a few years ~ but until then I will watch it over and over again.

added: 7th July 2004
name: Katie
homepage: -

Okay, heh heh, I may be crazy (some people think I am), but I loved this movie! Their Dracula was great and it was altogether an amazing thrill ride. I loved the secretism of the entire story, though the plot sometimes got a little off track. Truly a movie for vampire lovers, though some think it was bad. I must say again, the character of Dracula and his wives was fabulous!

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