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Dracula 2000

User Reviews

added: 23rd March 2005
name: Chance Costello
homepage: -

My god was this a grand movie. I first watched it in the UK, but I came to the US and bought it and can officially say I've watched it a hundred times (166 to be exact{my sister counts every time i watch it}). There aren't many movies I can watch over and over and not get sick of. The plot was great. Gerard Butler was a great Dracula (for Gerard fans, he plays the phantom in the new Phantom Of The Opera). The scenery was perfect and the storyline kept you wondering who was going to die next. I definitely give this movie a five and two thumbs up.

added: 6th February 2005
name: Ariadne
homepage: -

This is a gr8 movie, it's a shame it wasn't such a hit in the UK, if it was, there would me more people writing reviews like this one.
This is a very good film because it explains the hows and whys, and also explains why Dracula dies in one film, only to be found alive in the next (then killed then found alive in yet another Dracula film). It shows Dracula as a calculating seductive creature who is eternally punished instead of the animal we see in other films.
10/10 100% 5 star film

added: 10th March 2004
name: Jennifer
homepage: -

This is an amazing movie. It portrays Dracula in a whole differant way, a way that I have never seen before, as the Betrayer of Christ. He is powerful, extremly seductive, and of course, very immortal. This is a movie that I could watch over and over again (and have, now counting 63 )without ever getting tired of it!
I highly recommend this movie to all vampyre-movie lovers!

added: 16th June 2003
name: Miracle Hamilton
homepage: -

That is one GOOD vampire movie. So if ya haven't watched it GO GET IT NOW!!!!!!!                    

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